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Episode 310- Take Our Advice And Drop Out

Gavin Newsome promised to end homelessness in California. Now it's at all-time high. We don't see the problem getting better, but exponentially worse. He's giving them free drugs, Election polls keep rolling in, and President Trump keeps widening his lead in the swing...

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Episode 309- The Forecast Is Mostly Cloudy

When times get tough, people depend on entertainment to take them away. Today, entertainment is rotten through and through. How are they making us forget our problems, when they are championing our problems? They can't create art that brings people together because...

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Episode 308- Descending Into Chaos

It's been a while, thanks to a technical meltdown at Comm Solutions HQ. We will not be kept down! We've got a couple of back episodes to release, but we're storming forward. In this episode, we discuss the passing of Senator Joe Lieberman, and his mark on the future...

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Episode 306- Constitution, Shmonstitution

Super Tuesday proved a couple things, one that noone in the Republican Party is going to stop President Trump, and two... there's a pretty big contingent of the Democrat electorate that is voting "no preference" or "noncommitted" over President Biden. That's...

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Episode 304- North Atlantic Trouble

Another state primary down, and another state primary solidly in the "W"column for President Trump. Nevertheless, Nikky Haley is staying in the race with no path to the nomination. It's certainly her right to do so, but at what point is she helping Joe Biden and the...

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Somalia First- MSGA!

This last week, Ilhan Omar made a speech that was smilar to a Donald Trump speech... except that it was about Somalia. It called for a Somalia-first policy, including a secure Somalian border. If the Squad didn't have hypocrisy, it wouldn't have any political strategy...

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Episode 301- Truth and Censorship

Well... It's January, and with that, we have new city council and school board members in select locations. St Paul has set a record. No, not for the most females on an elected body, but for possibly the most juvenile and uninformed public meeting in history. They sat...

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Episode 300- Ones And Zeros

We’re back with season 8, and we’re off to a raging start. We’re going after an issue that seems like a national issue, but it really doesn’t get more local than what’s in your wallet. The Federal Reserve has been talking about issuing a new currency… a progammmable...

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