Let Us Help You!
You look around, and there’s no question that Minnesota is currently under control of the DFL. The truth, however is that it doesn’t have to be.
Even in the rural, conservative, areas of the state, the DFL has figured out how to win those races by blending in. Even when conservatives win those races, they put way too much trust in hired administration to run the school district/city/county. The problem is this… most of those staff members went through liberal-to-Marxist university programs and consult globalistic trade organizations, like the American Planning Association, who push all of their latest trends to urbanize the rural parts of our state and shut down essential industries, like our mines.
We figure that there are about 30,000 elected and appointed local government positions around the state of Minnesota. We would need 20,000 elected and appointed people to provide a strong defense against the heavy hand of the DFL. We call this Team 20k.
There are enough of us that don’t agree with the direction of our state, that if we ever became organized, only 2% of people that have voted conservative in the prior election would be enough to get to that number. Whether you want to run for office, join an advisory commission, start a podcast, or help with a campaign, we all can do something to get Team 20k up and rolling. See below, how we can help you to build a strong community right where you live.

For the Candidate:
Campaign Strategy
Giving You The Tools You Need To Win
This is our bread and butter. We’ve advised and given critical winning strategies to candidates for school district, city, and county races. We’ve helped people get elected… and re-elected. No one in Minnesota is as knowledgeable or as focused on winning seats at the local level. We’ve even overthrown many incumbents (which is hard to do). We guide you through the essential steps to build and launch a campaign including: building and organizing a foundation, putting together a campaign team, fundraising, messaging, marketing, debate prep, and Getting Out The Vote.
We will provide you with a customized analysis of the school district, city, or county that you are running for, including: population, political overview, the budget, Comprehensive Annual Financial Statement, diversity efforts, and environmental and development policies that affect your race. We couple that with an easy to follow guide that helps you assemble the right people around you, employ the most useful tactics, and personlaize the goals of a winning campaign.
After we present your customized Campaign Playbook, we remain on-call for the duration of the campaign to answer your questions and provide strategic direction until we get you across the finish line.
If you are coachable and a hard worker, our proven system will give you a head-and-shoulders advantage over your opponents, making your race competitive, and giving you every advantage to win.

For A Group Of Candidates:
Campaign School
Building Your Confidence And Knowledge
This class is designed as a 101-level course to introduce a group of candidates to the basics of running a good campaign. In an evening, it will take students through subjects such as building an online presence, door knocking, and the basics of campaign literature.
This class does not have the customized aspect of our Campaign Strategy program, but can help candidates to feel more prepared to tackle the huge job ahead of them.
Attendees will receive a booklet that lays out the concepts we discuss in the training, as well as a glossary with many of the terms that candidates will hear out on the campaign trail. There is also an opportunity for Q&A.
This class is not a prerequisite for our Campaign Strategy Program, but is a good introduction to help candidates get the help they need to run a strong campaign.

For The Elected Official:
Governing In Today’s Environment
You’ve Won, Now What?
Today’s political environment is a complicated one to be sure. We’ve learned that getting people elected is just the first step, not the end goal. When we first got people elected, the most common question that we received was, “now what”?
We train newly elected or seasoned elected officials on how to work with the administrative branch of local government, what common trends to look out for, and strategies to make government smaller in school district/city/county political organization, finances, development, ordinances, DEI, and environmental policy. We teach you how to deal with powerful organizations, such as The Metropolitan Council, Minnesota Association of Development Organizations (MADO), League of MN Cities, Education MN. and more that put pressure on local governments to implement harmful policies.
We can cover any topic that you are curious about, and help you to stand for conservative values right in the middle of the storm!

For The Activists:
Online Or Classroom Training
Mobilizing Team 20k
We offer online or classroom training on any local government subject you want to know more about. This will equip and prepare activists to take on the shadow of big government that is trying to spread across our land.
We explain the concepts and point out the organizations that are pushing everywhere for 15 minute cities, TIF Districts, high density housing, 20 mph speed limits, statutory cities, weak mayor systems, bonding, additional sales taxes, and more.
We also show activists how to start a blog or podcast, use social media effectively, assist with local campaigns, and to create art and/or media to reach a greater audience.