We’re back with season 8, and we’re off to a raging start. We’re going after an issue that seems like a national issue, but it really doesn’t get more local than what’s in your wallet. The Federal Reserve has been talking about issuing a new currency… a progammmable digital-based currency. This isn’t the first time a new US currency has been implemented. Most times the American consumer got the short end of the stick on the conversion. This new currency will no longer have physical money, but will be completely digital and run through the Federal Reserve system. This will have huge implications for you, because the Fed will be able to track and trace every dollar you earn, invest, and spend. This currency will be programmable, which means that they can control how you use your money. All they have to do is program the restrictions on your account to allow you buy certain things or not, spend your money somewhere or not, or donate to a certain organization or not. The Chinese are already putting parts of this in place with their social credit system. The World Economic Forum has already lauded China as the gold standard. President Biden has already tasked the government with designing this currency, creating the programmable technology, and laying uot a plan for implementation. It’s all ready to go, now we’re just waiting for an economic emergency. At some point, things will crash and they will step in with this ready-made solution. Check out the Community Solutions Podcast on your mobile device’s podcast app or click on the button for other options.