The first presidential debate is drawing nigh. It’s looking like President Biden may end up being the nominee, but what about vice president? Kamala Harris remains unpopular and doesn’t seem to help Joe Biden’s struggling poll numbers at all.

Amy Klobuchar alway outperforms in Minnesota. Why? Why do more Minnesotans vote for her? Why can’t Republicans lay a glove on her? She votes along party lines with Joe Biden every time, just as she did with Barack Obama. Will the Republican strategy change with Royce White or are we in for another six years of straight Democrat votes?

Well, we made it through  another session of the Minnesota Legislaturere. It was bad, but it could have been a lot worse. Once again, they shoved a whole bunch of stuff into one bill, never mind that bills are supposed to ony be one issue. The Dems cut off debate mid-stream (even as amendments were being added by the Republicans) to pass their swampy omnibus bill. They are willing to break the rules to get their way. That should scare everyone.

They put restrictions on Uber and Lyft drivers. This affected many independent contractors and their businesses. They passed a bill that would study the restructure Met Council leadership from appointed to elected… not that it would change anything anyway.

We did get a few wins. The bonding bill didn’t pass. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA bill) didn’t pass. Religious exemptions were added back into the Human Rights Act, and Ranked Choice Voting was DOA… for now. Conservatives have to take back either the House or the Senate in order to keep these awful bills away. We are too close to going down and we have to stand.